Academic Writers Philippines

The Pros and Cons of Freelance Writing

The Pros and Cons of Freelance Writing

Freelance writing is one of the most popular jobs right now in the internet. In fact, a quick search with your favorite search engine will come up with literally thousands of freelance writing jobs. This is not surprising because people love to read and of course for people to read something, someone should do the writing. Reading is one thing but writing is a whole different task. Writing also has other uses, especially in the academic field. That is why freelance essay writers will always have work to do. There are many benefits to freelance essay writing such as more time, freedom, and financial security. However, as many veterans in the field know, there are also drawbacks that one has to come to terms with in order to survive. This article will strive to present the advantages and disadvantages of choosing and a living the life of a freelance academic writer. Hopefully, it will serve as a simple guide to those who are thinking of making the leap to freelance essay writing and those who are new in the industry.

An advantage of freelance writing that many veterans always tout is the freedom that it entails. Freelancing essentially means not being tied to a single employer, and having the freedom to choose jobs depending on one’s inclination. This advantage can sometimes work against a freelancer because one of the benefits of working a conventional job is that your employer will always guarantee that you will get paid regularly. New freelancers often make the mistake of thinking that since they are free; they can choose to work as little as they can. That is wrong because being a freelancer is quite the opposite.

You work like hell when there is work so that when there are dry spells, you can relax and savor the fruits of your labor, which leads us to another advantage of freelance writing that can also be seen as a disadvantage depending on how you look at it. Freelance writing jobs usually have seasons, that can be categorized as peak seasons, when work picks up and there are many writing jobs to be had, the other is called low season, when there is virtually no work to be done, which means that there is little money to be made. Peak seasons usually happen for months at a time and in intervals. Low season does not come too often but it is a reality that an aspiring freelance writer should become accustomed to. During peak season, veteran freelance writers usually work as hard as they can to the point of exhaustion, so that when low season comes, they can relax all they want and spend the money that they make. Is it an advantage or a disadvantage? It depends on how make use of the time and opportunity.

Freelance writing also has another benefit that is closely tied to the freedom that it entails. When you are a freelancer you are free to do anything you want with your free time as long as you have finished all the jobs that need to be done. Some full time freelance writers spend their free time doing other work.  Then there are those who have full time day jobs and freelance during their free time. This has the benefit of added income because the money they make from freelancing can be used add to their savings or finance their hobbies. This makes it possible for them to do something that they like doing on the side and make money while doing it. There are many more pros and cons that can be enumerated but we hope that this article clears up certain issues associated with being a freelance writer.

If you want to apply as a freelance academic writer, click here.